Плотников Денис Юрьевич

Плотников Денис Юрьевич

Илимий даражасы:

  • медицина илимдеринин кандидаты

Ээлеген кызмат орундары:

  • улук илимий кызматкери, Биомедициналык Изилдөө Илимий Борбору, И. К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз мамлекеттик медициналык академиясы 


+996 312 54 58 59

Ахунбаев көчөсү, 92

Басылмалардын тизмеси:

  1. Huang Y, Plotnikov D, Wang H, Shi D, Li C, Zhang X, Zhang X, Tang S, Shang X, Hu Y, Yu H, Zhang H, Guggenheim JA, He M. GWAS-by-subtraction reveals an IOP-independent component of primary open angle glaucoma. Nat Commun. 2024 Oct 17;15(1):8962. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-53331-0
  2. Clark R, Kneepkens SCM, Plotnikov D, Shah RL, Huang Y, Tideman JWL, Klaver CCW, Atan D, Williams C, Guggenheim JA; UK Biobank Eye and Vision Consortium. Time Spent Outdoors Partly Accounts for the Effect of Education on Myopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2023 Nov 1;64(14):38. doi: 10.1167/iovs.64.14.38.
  3. Kazmi N, Valeeva EV, Khasanova GR, Lewis SJ, Plotnikov D, PRACTICAL Consortium. Blood pressure, calcium channel blockers, and the risk of prostate cancer: a Mendelian randomization study. Cancer Causes Control [Internet]. Doi:/10.1007/s10552-023-01712-z.
  4. Samoylov AN, Tumanova P, Pankratova SA, Ashryatova LSh, Plotnikov D. Association of GNB3, ACE polymorphisms with POAG and NTG. Ophthalmic Genet. 2023 Nov;45(1):23–7.
  5. Plotnikov D, Huang Y, Khawaja AP, Foster PJ, Zhu Z, Guggenheim JA, He M. High Blood Pressure and Intraocular Pressure: A Mendelian Randomization Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2022 Jun 28;63(6):29–29.
  6. Plotnikov D, Pärssinen O, Williams C, Atan D, Guggenheim JA. Commonly occurring genetic polymorphisms with a major impact on the risk of nonsyndromic strabismus: replication in a sample from Finland. Journal of American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 2021/11/29/ 2021;doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaapos.2021.07.015.
  7. Plotnikov D, Cui J, Clark R, Wedenoja J, Pärssinen O, Tideman JWL, Jonas JB, Wang Y, Rudan I, Young TL, Mackey DA, Terry L, Williams C, Guggenheim JA; UK Biobank Eye and Vision Consortium and the CREAM Consortium. Genetic Variants Associated With Human Eye Size Are Distinct From Those Conferring Susceptibility to Myopia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2021;62(13):24.
  8. Plotnikov D, Sheehan NA, Williams C, Atan D, Guggenheim JA, for the UKBEaVC. Hyperopia Is Not Causally Associated With a Major Deficit in Educational Attainment. Translational Vision Science & Technology. 2021;10(12):34.