Implementation of a quality assurance system in education using a documented quality management system.
The introduction of the education quality management system in KSMA began in 2008 by the Decision of the Academic Council of the KSMA dated December 28, 2008, the documentation of the education quality management system began in 2009. The quality management department was found by Order No. 81 of March 12, 2009. Later Quality Management Department’s Regulations Document and regulations on the Council for the Quality of Education were approved Order No. 151 of 28.05.2009.
Quality assurance policy, including the mission, goals and Development Strategy of KSMA for 2010-2020 were developed and approved on December 25, 2009 and published on the KSMA website.
In 2016, the quality management system of KSMA was revised in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001: 2015. Corrective amendments were made to the mission, educational goals and Development Strategy of KSMA. After that the Action Plan for the implementation of the Development Strategy of KSMA for 2017-2020 was developed and approved. The official duties of the leadership of the KSMA have been developed and approved, which define the responsibility of the leadership for ensuring the quality of education.
Revised and approved Regulations Education Quality System, Department of Education Quality Management and list of processes.
The Quality Manual was developed and approved by the decision of the Council for the Quality of Education from November 21, 2018. Quality Manual The document describes the quality management system of the KSMA, including the quality Process model and Registry of processes of Education Quality System with the definition of responsible persons and structural units. Manual on monitoring and education quality assessment of training process in KSMA was developed and approved as well.