- ulangul@mail.ru
- 0 (312) 54-58-92
- st. I.K. Akhunbaeva, 92

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Head of the department
- ulangul@mail.ru
- 0(312) 54-90-41
- Akhunbaev str, 92, Main building

- Position:
- Head teacher, Senior teacher

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Professor

- Academic degree:
- PhD
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Associate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Assistant

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Pharmacy
- Academic title:
- acting Associate Professor

- Position:
- Senior teacher

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher
The Department of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology named after M.T. Nanaeva was founded in 1941. The first head of the Department of Pharmacology of KSMI in the period 1941-1944 was Professor A.S. Kharchenko. From 1944 to 1948 the Department of Pharmacology was headed by Professor G.P. Konradi, from 1948 to 1953 - Associate Professor M.N. Olshansky.
From 1953 to 1961 the chair was headed by Prof. E.A. Stegailo. From 1961 to 1997 the department was headed by the Honored Scientist, Honored Physician of the Kyrgyz SSR, Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.T. Nanaeva.
Nanaeva Maria Toktogulovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor,
Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic
Maria Toktogulovna Nanaeva successfully defended her thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences in 1975. In 1977 she was awarded the title of professor. For a long period of leadership of the Department of Pharmacology she published more than 100 scientific works, 5 monographs, 12 educational and methodical recommendations for students and doctors. Under her guidance 12 candidate theses were defended. In 1978 she was awarded the honorary title “Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz SSR”, and in 1995 - “Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic”.
All scientific activity of Nanaeva M.T. was devoted to the study of issues of high-mountain pharmacology and pharmacology of cardiotropic agents. “Iron will, high efficiency and high intellectual potential of Maria Toktogulovna allowed her to cope with these difficulties with honor, she performed experimental studies on her scientific topic with great responsibility”, - says Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of KR Ashiraly Zurdinov.
April 1980
Solemn Scientific Council, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the formation of KSMI.
Rector of KSMI, Professor S.B. Daniyarov congratulates Professor M.T. Nanaeva with the government award.
Her husband Kaip Otorbayev also worked for a long time in the field of education and science, headed the KSU.
Mr. Otorbayev has also worked in the field of education and science for a long time.
He is an academician of the National Academy of Sciences.
Zurdinov Ashirali Zurdinovich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic, was the Chairman of the Pharmacological Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
From 1997 to 2009 the department was headed by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.Z. Zurdinov.
Zurdinov Ashirali Zurdinovich defended his doctoral dissertation in 1987, in 1989 received the title of professor. Author of more than 250 scientific works, 3 patents of the Russian Federation and 16 patents of the Kyrgyz Republic.
February 1978. Rector of KSMI, Professor S.B. Daniyarov and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Associate Professor A.Z. Zurdinov discussing current problems of educational work.
In 1993 A.Z. Zurdinov was elected a member of the International Academy of Informatization. Under his leadership 3 doctoral and 35 candidate theses were defended. In 1996 he was awarded the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic”.
In May 2006, he was elected a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic. In 2021 he was elected Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Most of the scientific works of A.Z. Zurdinov are devoted to the study of problems of high mountain pharmacology, pharmacology of phytopreparations and metal coordination compounds, immunomodulators and regulators of hematopoiesis.
From 2009 to 2016 acted as head of the department Dr. M.Sc., Professor U.M. Tilekeeva.
Since June 2016, corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.Z. Zurdinov, headed the Department.
Tilekeeva Ulankul Muktarovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of
Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
Since April 1, 2019 Professor Ulangul Mukhtarovna Tilekeeva, Doctor of Medical Sciences, heads the department.
During 40 years of work at the department was a member of the UMO, Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, working group for the development of State Standard III generation of medical and pharmaceutical education.
In 2009-2010 academic year, according to the dictates of the time, in response to the
challenges of medical interventions, a new educational subject “Bioethics” was introduced in KGMA.
U.M. Tilekeeva as a coordinator supervises the development of 7 working programs on the profile of the future specialty of students of all faculties, in 2012 a Memorandum on the implementation of the UNESCO Basic Curriculum in Bioethics was signed with UNESCO. The experience of implementation of the UNESCO Basic Curriculum in KR, the results of training, students' opinion about the innovative approach of teaching aroused interest in the II Central Asian Symposium on Bioethics “Problems and Prospects of Bioethics Training” and II International Conference on Ethics Education in Turkey. Since 2008, she has been the Chairman of the Bioethics Committee under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Prof. U.M. Tilekeeva initiated in 2013 the entry of the Kyrgyz Society of Pharmacologists and Clinical Pharmacologists into the European Association of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, currently she is the Consul of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Under the guidance of Prof. U.M. Tilekeeva 3 PhD theses were defended. Author of 6 patents of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Tilekeeva U.M. is a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Medical Ethics” (Yaroslavl), the journal “Bulletin of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy” (Bishkek); she is also a member of a public organization: “Kyrgyz Society for Safe and Rational Use of Medicines”, which in 2003 was accepted into the international network INRUD (Internationalnetworkrationalusedrug).
Employees of the department are co-authors of all issues (1997, 1999, 2003, 2010) of the “Form of essential medicines of the Kyrgyz Republic” and the textbook “Evidence-based medical practice”, issued under the auspices of the WHO.
Research work of the department
Scientific rationale for optimizing pharmacotherapy of socially significant diseases in the Kyrgyz Republic.The study and introduction of herbal remedies in medical practice. On November 22-23, 2017, the international scientific and practical conference "The role of modern pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and pharmacy in public health care" was held dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the honorary academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, professor, M.T. Nanaeva. Leading experts from the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan took part in it and presented their reports.
Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, academician of RAS Spasov A. A.(Volgograd)
"Are there alternative ways to create innovative medicines?»
Guests of the conference together with the staff of the Department
School - a seminar for practitioners, "Jannat Regency", Bishkek.
The department has a Student Scientific Club, whose members take an active part in the scientific life of the Medical Academy. They make presentations at scientific conferences, take prizes, publish their work in national and international scientific journals. Students-members of club two times participated in the International Olympiad in Clinical Pharmacology, held in Almaty on the basis of Kazakh National Medical University named after Asfendiyarov, and took first places. Also, team members won the title of "Best Expert", "Best Emblem" and "Best Team Presentation"
Team "Panacea", Almaty, 2016
The department offers practical classes and lectures on the following disciplines:
- Basic pharmacology - for students of 2-3 courses of the faculty “General medicine” and “General medicine with English language teaching”, 3 courses of the faculties “Pediatrics”, “Pharmacy”, “Stomatology”, “Medical and preventive medicine”, 2 courses of the faculty “Nursing education".
- Clinical pharmacology - for students of 4-5 courses of the faculty “General medicine” and “General medicine with English language teaching”, 5 courses of the faculties “Pediatrics”, “Stomatology”, 4 courses of the faculty “MPC”, 3 courses of the faculty “Nursing”.
- Basics of pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacy - for students of 4-5 years of “Pharmacy” faculty.
- Pharmaceutical care - for 5th year students of the faculty “Pharmacy”. Also conducted educational and industrial practice: “Pharmaceutical counseling” and “Informing”.
Classes are conducted in three languages: Russian, Kyrgyz and English. Students of the faculties “Pharmacy based on SFO ”,“ Pharmacy based on WMO ”,“ VSO UFO, also attend the evening department.
Acceptance of work-offs and consultations, acceptance of academic difference of transferred and reinstated students according to the individual plan is carried out.
The department has postgraduate education in the specialties of “Clinical Pharmacology” and “Clinical Pharmacy”.
Associate professor of the department Toktonalieva N.U. with foreign students during classes.
PhD, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department Anuvarbekova A.A. during the classes with students of the Faculty of Medicine with English language of study
-City Clinical Hospital No. 6 Djantoshev street, 117
-National Center for the Protection of Mothers and Children, Akhunbaev str., 190
-Center of Family Medicine No.18, Tynystanov street, 1