- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Associate Professor
- Position:
- Head of Department

- Position:
- Head teacher

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Senior Lab Assistant
Nurses are an integral part of any medical institution and in everyday life they work in direct contact with the patient, with all groups of the population and in most cases are the first, last and most constant link of the patient's contact with the health care system. In these conditions, it is important that a well-trained nurse can make independent decisions on the implementation of patient care, can provide them with timely professional assistance. As a specialist in nursing, nurse must carry out explanatory work to improve the health of the population, carry out the treatment process, and provide psychological support in strengthening and maintaining health. In practical healthcare, there is a shortage of specialists with professional mobility and quick adaptation in today's changing conditions.
This dictated the need to train a new type of nurses in our republic using international standards - nursing managers and teachers for medical educational institutions, the creation of the Center and the Department of Nursing. At the same time, the analysis of foreign experience showed that the general trend in the development of nursing education is the movement towards higher nursing education.
The Center and Department of Nursing at KSMA were established in 1998 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic dated 02.06. 1998 № 150 in order to implement the decision of the collegium of the Ministry of Health dated December 23, 1997 “On the progress of education reform in medical educational institutions of the republic”. Subsequently, the Center was renamed into the Institute of Nursing, and since 2006 - into the Faculty of Higher Nursing Education.
The goal of higher nursing education is to train qualified nursing specialists with professional competence in the field of effective managerial and pedagogical activities, rational use of resources and a clear organization of the work of middle and junior personnel.
Isakova Zh.K., who headed the department until 2005, was appointed the first head of the department. She deserves a great deal of merit in the formation, personnel and software support of the work of not only the department, but also the Nursing Center. She participated in the international cooperation and partnership and was a part in such projects as “Tempus-Tacis”, together with St. Martin's College (Great Britain), Pirkanmaa Polytechnic School (Finland); AIHA partnerships with Orvis Nursing School and University of Reno, Nevada.
From 2006 to 2020 the Department of Nursing was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Beishenbieva Gulnara Dzhanuzakovna. During her activity she worked out the structure and content of the educational program, determined the positions that can be occupied by graduates of the facultiy of higher nursing education in the health care system.
Beishenbieva Gulnara supported the close international cooperation and partnership with the Kyung Hee University, South Korea and the Korea Global Nursing Foundation. The staff of the department took an active part in the work of the project “Zharkyn Kyrgyzstan” together with the Korean agency KOICA.
From 2020 till present time the head of the Chair is the candidate of the medical sciences Zhamankulova M.K.
International cooperation of the department with South Korean university is being continued. Within the framework of the project “Global education support” –“Improving the practice of higher nursing education”, educational and methodological complexes of nursing disciplines were developed. The offices of the department are equipped with modern multimedia equipment, simulation simulators, dummies for the formation of clinical skills in students were obtained within the framework of the project. The staff of the department actively participate in international symposia, conferences, round tables.
In 2020, the Chair became the winner of the competition within other Academic Chairs of the KSMA “The best department of the KSMA” in the category “International activities”.
To help practical health care, the department regularly organizes and conducts training seminars for nurses.
With the direct participation of the department staff, students participated in the work of the “Red zones” during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Employees of the department take part in the work of the working group of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic on reforming higher nursing education.
The teaching staff is represented by 8 employees, including 2 candidates of medical sciences. The staff of the department is a team of highly professional, competent specialists, including managers in the field of nursing.
- Pedagogy and psychology
- Nursing patronage of a healthy family
- Health assessment
- Sister manipulation
- Nursing process in the clinic
- Clinical nursing
- Nursing in family medicine
- Age psychology and pedagogy
- Organization and management of nursing services
- Nursing training methodology
- Medical and social patronage
- Introduction to nursing
- Leadership and management in nursing
- Methodological research in nursing
- Healthy child predostavlennogo and preschool age
- Palliative care
- Pedagogical and age psychology
- Management psychology
- First aid
The scientific activity of the department "Nursing" was carried out in the field of nursing in obstetrics and gynecology, palliative care, pediatrics, infection control.
Over the past five years (2015-2020), more than a dozen scientific articles have been published in peer-reviewed (RSCI, Web of science) scientific journals of the Kyrgyz Republic: "Bulletin of the KSMA", "Izvestia of the universities of Kyrgyzstan"; near and far abroad: "Science and Innovations" (Tajikistan), "Bulletin of the Tajik National University" (Tajikistan), "Universam. Medicine and Pharmacology "(Electronic scientific journal)," Heart, Vessels and Transplantation "(Turkey)," International academy journal web of scholar "(Poland)," Public health "(Ukraine), etc.
Also, over the past three years, the staff of the department has carried out nursing research devoted to improving the health of children in new buildings in Bishkek, within the framework of the project "Zharkyn Kyrgyzstan" (Gyeonggi University, Korea). The research results were reported at the international scientific and practical conference organized by the KSMA and the Korean project "Zharkyn Kyrgyzstan".
The staff of the department leads a student scientific circle, our students actively participate in the annual scientific conference "Days of Science of the KSMA", win prizes.
Since 2020, the theme of the scientific activity of the department is "The role of nursing specialists in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with various diseases in the highlands."
Nursing is an integral part of the health care system. At the present stage of development of society, the profession of a nurse is not only one of the most widespread, but also one of the most socially significant. It requires possession of specific knowledge, skills and abilities of their practical application, is built on the knowledge and methods of various humanitarian disciplines, as well as sciences that study physical, chemical, biological and social laws. In this connection, the staff of the department is actively involved in international projects to reform and improve higher nursing education in Kyrgyzstan.
It should be noted our cooperation with Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea. In 2017, the first project "Zharkyn Kyrgyzstan" was carried out in cooperation with the Korean agency KOICA, aimed at improving the health of children in the Kyrgyz Republic. Within the framework of the project, a seminar “Communication of a patronage nurse with parents on vaccination and immunization of their children” was developed and conducted for 4-5 year students of the “VCO” faculty.
Together with Korean partners, an elective course was developed and implemented for third-year students of the All-Russian School of Education “Organization of the work of a patronage nurse in new buildings”. The program of this elective course includes patronage by students with nurses of the FMC in new buildings Ak-Orgo, Ak-Ordo, as well as teaching schoolchildren in these new buildings.
Also, within the framework of the project "Zharkyn Kyrgyzstan", the research work "Influence of the nature of nutrition on the physical development of preschool children living in the area of the new building" Ak-Orgo "was carried out. The research results were reported at the international scientific and practical conference "CHILD HEALTH AND NURSING EDUCATION".
The latest GLOBAL EDUCATION SUPPORT (GES) project started in 2019, the 1st level of the project was dedicated to Needs Analysis and Master Planning. To analyze the needs, meetings were held with the Ministry of Health, with the Swiss project MER in Kyrgyz Republic, with the administration of KSMA, and a survey of students and alumni was conducted.
As a result, the KSMA Strategic Master Plan for the Development of Higher Nursing Education was developed.
Level 2 of the GES project is dedicated to improving the practice of nursing education in KSMA. 4 tasks were set, 4 teams worked accordingly to implement these tasks. 1 - the team was engaged in revising and updating curricula, employer satisfaction survey, literature review. The following results were obtained: 1. The curriculum plan for the subject “Nursing manipulations” was revised; 2. New courses have been developed and introduced (training in clinical judgment, training in DM skills; 3. A survey of graduates and employers has been conducted.
2- the team was engaged in improving the plans of practical lessons. Changes were made to the subject of SM, 5 sections were highlighted: general block, SM in surgery, therapy, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology. Results: 1. Plans of practical lessons were revised; 2. A syllabus was developed on the subject of SM for each section; 3. A handbook has been developed for the student on practical classes in the discipline of SM (5 in total in 5 sections)
3- the team was engaged in equipping the training rooms of the KSMA. As a result: 1. Provided a list of required equipment and technical specifications; 2. Ordered cabinet and educational furniture for the arrangement of training rooms; 3. Received simulators and dummies from South Korea (13); 4. Conducted trainings for the teaching staff of the Department of SD on the use of simulators.
4-team was engaged in the development of educational and methodological guidelines for clinical mentors in the direction of "Nursing". Clinical mentor training. As a result: A methodological guide for clinical mentors has been developed, trainings have been conducted for teaching staff, clinical mentors. In total, more than 50 people have been trained in online and offline formats.
In 2021, it is planned to continue the GES project, it will also be dedicated to the reform of higher nursing education.
Due to the current epidemiological situation ( COVID -19) in Kyrgyzstan, curatorial work at the Faculty of DCG in the beginning of the First things first and the end of the second half of the year , I 2020-2021uchebnogo year was held in the online format.
General activities
- A general meeting was held at which the plan of curatorial work for the academic year was discussed. We assigned the groups for the curators.
- We discussed and left the general department annual plan of curatorial work.
- We held a meeting with 1st year students.
- They introduced the 1st year students to the internal regulations of the KSMA and the Department of SD.
- Curator introduced as 1st year students with the ethical code of Kyrgyz State Medical Academy. Conducted a conversation about the norms and rules of student behavior within the KSMA and beyond.
- Conducted a conversation about the rules for filling out the students' partfolios . Information was collected and a folder with the data of 1st year students was prepared.
- A conversation was held in groups on the organization of preventive measures to prevent Covid-19. About the rules for the use of medical masks and the rules for treating hands with antiseptics.
- Compiled s individual e plan s curatorial work of the department for each teacher.
- The student asset and the head of the faculty were selected.
- Instructions were conducted among students of the Federal High School of Higher Education, as well as students of other faculties on the safety measures and prevention of Covid-19 .
- 10/29/20 4th year students FVSO participated in the event " The World Day to Combat stroke in Kyrgyzstan" .
- 19.11.2 1 . To make a movie , and also took part in the campaign "Say thank you m The nurse"
02/26/21 Teachers of the Department of Nursing and students of the Faculty of the All-Russian Society of Education organized and held an event dedicated to the celebration of the international
- Teachers of the department "Nursing" performed duty in the hostel number 6 Kyrgyz State Medical Academy , respectively general academic grafi ku, as well as the additional duty on the schedule in the beginning of the quarantine and online learning.
10/29/2020 - took part in the action "World Stroke Day"
Participation in the Olympiad "Fight against AIDS" 1.12.20.
04/01/2021. Visiting an exhibition of medical products.
04/22/21. Curatorial hour 4 course faculty "VSO"
Topic: Combating Violence. Watching the film "Ala Kachuu" https://youtu.be/h90HYdzHyf0
06.05.2021 Curatorial hour.
Topic: May 9 Victory Day!
Prepared a video dedicated to the celebration of the 76th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War
- State Perinatal Center
- Center of Family Medicine No.1
- Center of Family Medicine No.18
- City children's clinical hospital of emergency medical care
- City Clinic Hospital No.6