- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Head of the department

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Pharmacy
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Position:
- head of studies

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Chemistry
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Chemistry
- Position:
- acting associate professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Pharmacy
- Position:
- Senior Lecturer

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Pharmacy
- Position:
- Teacher

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Pharmacy
- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Senior Lecturer

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Senior Assistant

- Position:
- Laboratory assistant
List of the Department employees:
- K. S. Cholponbaev – Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department.
- Dootalieva S. Ch. – Candicate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor.
- A. A. Asanova – Head teacher of the Department.
- A.K. Sydykova – Candicate of Chemistry Sciences, Acting Associate Professor.
- J.S. Urmambetova – Candicate of Chemistry Sciences, Acting Associate Professor.
- N.P. Muratova – Candicate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Senior teacher.
- T.A. Keldibekova – Candicate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, teacher.
- M.A. Turgunalieva – Candicate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, teacher.
- B. M. Abdyldaeva – Senior teacher.
- F. I. Sharsheeva – teacher.
- T.S Joldosheva– teacher.
- Sabyr K. Gulzat – teacher.
- A. R. Usupbekova – teacher
- A. A. Usupbaeva – teacher
- A.D. Kerimbaeva– teacher
- J.M. Temiralieva– teacher
- Ch. T. Tabyldieva – teacher
- B. A. Sovetbekova – teacher
- B.K.Cholponbaev– teacher
- Yu.V. Shtepa– teacher.
- H.S. Ilakhunova– teacher.
- A.A. Mamayusupova– teacher.
- E. Ch. Borbukova – senior research assistant
- S.M. Martbolotova – laboratory assistant
The faculty of pharmacy was opened in 1981. Great merit in the opening of the faculty of pharmacy of the Kyrgyz state medical Institute belongs to academician Daniyarov S. B. In 1983 was organized the Department of technology of medical products. Head of the Department was associate Professor V. Antonov. He put a lot of effort to prepare the material and technical base of the Department and the selection of teaching staff.
In 1988 the Department was reorganized and allocated two Departments: Department of management of pharmaceutical business and technology of dosage forms and Department of pharmaceutical, analytical and organic chemistry. Head of the Department was appointed Candidate of Pharmaceutical Science, associate Professor D. Djusupova. In connection with the transition to the contract form of training and reducing the number of students, both departments were merged into one Department of pharmaceutical chemistry and technology of dosage forms, which was headed by E. Matyev. Doctor of biological Sciences, Professor, member of the European society of chronobiologists, the first pharmacist, twice elected to the Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic (Jogorku Kenesh), General Director of the joint stock company "pharmacy" - Matyev Erkinbek Sagynalievich was a talented scientist, public figure. He tragically died on March 15, 2000. It was a great loss for the entire pharmaceutical industry of the Kyrgyz Republic.
From 2000 to 2005 the Department of pharmaceutical chemistry and technology of dosage forms was headed by associate Professor K. Cholponbaev. In 2005 due to the increase in the recruitment of students there was a division of the Department. Was organized the Department of management and economics of pharmacy, technology of medical products , which continued to be headed by Kosmosbek Cholponbaev, doctor of pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor. This is the profile Department of the faculty of pharmacy, where students learn the basics of management of pharmaceutical activities and pharmaceutical marketing, technology of drugs in a pharmacy and pharmaceutical production. In 2007, K. Cholponbaev defended his doctoral dissertation on "Fundamentals of quality management of pharmaceutical activities in the Kyrgyz Republic ". Under his leadership, were defended two master's theses. Also he is a member of the editorial Board of "Bulletin of UKMA" (Kazakhstan). Cholponbaev is a member of the Pharmacopoeia Committee of the Eurasian economic Union and the Chairman of the Pharmaceutical Union of Kyrgyzstan.
Students of 3-5 courses of day and 1-3 courses of evening Departments of pharmaceutical faculty study tthe following subjects:
-technology of medicines;
-management and Economics of pharmacy;
management and marketing in pharmacy;
-medical and pharmaceutical merchandizing;
-biopharmaceutical assessment in technology of medicines;
-elective courses ("Profession of pharmacist", "pharmacy in the world", "Good pharmaceutical practices", "Drugs based on medicinal plant raw materials", "Sales techniques. Merchandising in pharmacies", "Fundamentals of pharmaceutical logistics", etc.).
The Department conducts production practices for students: pharmaceutical propaedeutic practice; training and production on technology of medicines; production practice on management and economy of pharmacy. Practical training students are in the leading pharmaceutical companies of Kyrgyzstan, state regulatory organizations.
Employees of the Department are working on the scientific theme "Improving the system of drug provision of the population and the development of new drugs based on medicinal raw materials of Kyrgyzstan". The head of the scientific theme is the head of the Department, Professor K. Cholponbaev. He published more than 100 scientific works, including 4 monographs, 4 manuals and more than 30 guidelines, collections for students and practitioners. Were completed clinical trials of the drug "Gepofur" and were patented by employees of the Department. According to the results of the work, were protected 2 topics for the candidate of medical Sciences. Currently, underway the thr work to register the drug and its introduction into mass production.
Scientific researchs are carried out in the following areas:
- development of scientifically based guidelines and study of regulatory legal acts in the field of regulation of circulation of medicines;
- research of medicinal plants of Kyrgyzstan and their rational use;
- development of new medicines;
- marketing research of the pharmaceutical market of Kyrgyzstan;
- the study of the needs of pharmaceutical personnel and analysis of undergraduate and postgraduate pharmaceutical education;
- study of the system of preferential provision of the population, rational use of medicines, the system of their release;
- pharmacoeconomics research;
- study of the state of pharmacy organizations and pharmaceutical industry and ways of introduction of innovative technologies;
- ethics and deontology of pharmacists, pharmaceutical bioethics.
The department operates a student scientific society “STERN”, aimed at instilling research skills in students, expanding knowledge in the field of pharmacy, and facilitating the identification of talented youth. Each year, the number of students involved in the society ranges from 5 to 8 individuals, representing students from the 2nd to 5th courses. Research directions include the study of medicinal plants, the production of herbal preparations based on them, the mastering of methods for standardizing herbal preparations, research into issues of bio-pharmaceutical evaluation of ointment dosage forms, and the mastering of methods for assessing bioequivalence using in vitro methods. These are technological research directions. In addition, members of the scientific society show great interest in studying the organization of preferential drug provision, the assortment of various groups of medicinal products, and analyzing the regulatory framework in the field of drug circulation, including narcotic drugs, among others. The motto of the society is: “To reach the goal, you must first move forward!”
International Olympiad in “Pharmacy Management and Economics” dedicated to the memory of Professor Erkinbek Sagynalievich Matyev.
The Olympiad took place on March 15, 2022.
Seven teams participated in the Olympiad:
Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy, Russian Federation
- Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan
- South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Republic of Kazakhstan
- Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Republic of Kazakhstan
- West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, Republic of Kazakhstan
- Jalal-Abad State Medical University named after B. Ospanov, Kyrgyz Republic
- Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev, Kyrgyz Republic
The team “STERN” from the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, Technology of Medicinal Products named after Professor E.S. Matyev under the leadership of Professor Cholponbaev Kosmosbek Saryevich took the first place in the Olympiad.
Days of Science at KGMA 2022
At the sectional meeting in memory of the Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Professor M.T. Nanaeva on “CURRENT ISSUES IN PHARMACOLOGY AND PHARMACY,” participants of the scientific circle “STERN” from the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, Technology of Medicinal Products named after Prof. E.S. Matyev presented their reports (a total of 7 reports).
On May 12-13, 2022, the Republican Student Olympiad with international participation in educational programs of pharmacy was held, organized by the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.
The team of the scientific circle “STERN.KG” from the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, Technology of Medicinal Products named after Prof. E.S. Matyev, under the guidance of Professor, DPharmSc K.S. Cholponbaev, took the first place.
Participation of the “STERN” scientific circle at the Club Fair – 2023