Prevention of corruption
Action plan for the prevention of corruption in the I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy for 2022
Regulation on the Anti-Corruption Commission of I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy
creation and implementation of organizational and legal mechanisms, moral and psychological atmosphere aimed at effective prevention of corruption in the I.K. Akhunbayev KSMU.
The plan was developed on the basis of a Detailed plan for the implementation of measures to combat corruption in the healthcare sector of the Kyrgyz Republic, approved by Order No. 622 of the Minister of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic dated 17.07.2017.

Action title

Dates of implementation

Responsible authority

1.  Measures to develop the legal framework in the field of anti-corruption, improvement of personnel work on the prevention of corruption offenses

 1.1. Monitoring of changes in the current legislation in the field of anti-corruption.


Rector, Head of the Department of Legal and Personnel Work 

1.2. Consideration of issues related to the implementation of legislation in the field of anti-corruption at the Academic Councils of the I.K. Akhunbaev KSMA

2 times a year


1.3. Issuing an order approving the composition of the anti-corruption commission and the annual work plan for anti-corruption measures.

December of the expiring year


1.4. Familiarization of teaching staff and employees of the I.K. Akhunbaev KSMA regulatory documents on anti-corruption activities.

During the year

Rector, Vice-rector of the university

1.5. Creation of a working group on the revision of the Modular rating system for assessing the knowledge of students of I.K. Akhunbaev KSMA

2nd quarter of year


1.6. Report of responsible employees for the prevention of corruption and other offenses

 2 times a year

Rector, Chairman of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption

1.7. Monitoring compliance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of anti-corruption.



1.8. Ensuring transparency in decision-making on personnel issues


Rector, Head of HR Department

2. Measures to improve the functioning of the I.K. Akhunbaev KSMA in order to prevent corruption

2.1. Organization of verification of the reliability of personal data and other information submitted by a citizen when applying for a job at the I.K. Akhunbaev KSMA


Head of the Legal and Human Resources Department 

2.2. Organization and conduct of the inventory of the KSMA property and analysis of the efficiency of use.


Head of the Department of Finance-economy. works and accounting, inventory commission

2.3. Conducting internal control:

·       organization and conduct of training sessions;

·       respect for the rights of all participants in the educational process.


 Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, UMO, Deans

2.8. Placement of information on anti-corruption topics on stands in the walls of academic buildings


Head of the System and Software Department

2.9. Examination of complaints and appeals of citizens received through public use systems (postal, e-mail addresses, telephone) on the actions (inaction) of teachers and staff of KSMU.

 As received

Chairman of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption

2.10. Assessment of the official duties of the teaching staff, the performance of which is most at risk of corruption manifestations.

During the year

Chairman of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, Quality Management Department

2.11. Holding meetings among students to explain the KSMU policy on corruption.

  1 time per year

Deans of faculties

2.12. Holding meetings of teaching staff and KSMU staff on the inadmissibility of corruption and responsibility for corrupt acts"

During the year

Chairman of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption

3. Measures for legal education and improvement of anti-corruption competence of teaching staff, staff and students

3.1. International Anti-Corruption Day

On December 9th annually

Chairman of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption

3.2. Conducting the month of civil and legal awareness "My choice" (conducting open classes, thematic contests and exhibitions ("My rights" among students and teaching staff).


Deans of faculties

3.3. Production of memos for students and their parents on the prevention of corruption


Deans of faculties

3.4. Meeting of the Commission on combating Corruption in the KSMA

By requirement  

Chairman of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption

3.5. Familiarization of students with their rights and obligations

At the beginning of the academic year

Deans of faculties

4. Ensuring access of the public and interested persons to information about the activities of the I.K. Akhunbayev KSMU, establishing feedback

4.1. Informing applicants and their parents (legal representatives) about the rules of admission to KSMU


Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee

4.2. Conducting a survey of students and their parents on satisfaction with the work of KSMU, the quality of educational services provided.



 Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

4.3. Posting on the website of the KGMA information about the activities of the KGMA, admission rules, information on the implementation of anti-corruption measures



KSMA Press Secretary