Academic Council for Science
Work plan of the Scientific Council for Science



Friday, 3rd week of the month

Date Agenda Responsible persons
1. 13.11.2020 1. Report on the work of dissertation councils Dissertation Council chairs
2. Report on the status of professional development of KSMA and other medical institutions Umetov T.E., Imankulova A.S.
3. Review and approval of dissertation research projects Scientific supervisors with performers
4. Various
2. 18.12.2020 1. Report on funded research projects Research supervisors of funded research projects
2. Bioethics Committee Report Mirrahimov E.M.
3. Review and approval of dissertation research projects Scientific supervisors with performers
4. Various
3. 19.02.2021 1. About the work of the editorial board " Vestnik  I. K. Akhunbaev KSMA» Оvcharenko K.E.
2. Review and approval of dissertation research projects Scientific supervisors with performers
3. Various
4. 19.03.2021 1.Report of the dental training scientific clinical center Kalbaev А.А.
2. Review and approval of dissertation research projects Scientific supervisors with performers
3. Various

April 14-16 KSMA Science Days-2021.

Assembly speech dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor Tukhvatshin R. R.

Сопуев А.А. Маматов Н.Н.
6. 14.05.2021 1.Report of the commission on verification of primary documentation Iskakov M.B.
2.Report on the work of the Scientific Society of Young Scientists Students Оsmonov D.
3. Review and approval of dissertation research projects Scientific supervisors with performers
4. Various
List of members of the Scientific Council for Science
1. Sopuev Andrei Asankulovich

Chairman, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Medical Work, MD, Professor

2. Мirrahimov Erkin Mirsaidovich зам. председателя, заведующий кафедрой факультетской терапии, д.м.н., профессор
3. Маmatov Niyazbek Nurlanbekovich Scientific Secretary, Head of the Department of Research, Innovation and Clinical Work, PhD.
4. Аbaeva Tamara Suranalievna Head of the Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy, PhD, Associate Professor
5. Аvasov Bakyt Artisbekovich Associate Professor of the Department of Faculty Surgery, MD.
6. Аidarov Ziyabidin Abdraimovich Head of the Department of Public Health and Public Health, MD, Professor
7. Аlymbaev Erkin Shakirovich Head of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics, MD, Professor
8. Aljambayeva Irina Shakinovna Associate Professor of the Department of Microbiology, Virology, Immunology, PhD
9. Brimkulov Nurlan Nurgazievich Head of the Department of Family Medicine of Postgraduate Education, MD, Professor
10. Galako Tatyana Ivanovna Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Narcology, PhD, Associate Professor
11. Dzholbunova Zuura Kerimbekovna Head of the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases, MD, Associate Professor
12. Djorbaeva Aina Asanovna Head of the Department of General Hygiene, PhD, Associate Professor
13. Djumagulov Oljobai Djumakadyrovich Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, MD, Professor
14. Djumagulova Anara Shamshitdinova Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases, PhD, Associate Professor
15. Zamaletdinova Galiya Sarasovna Head of the Department of Foreign and Latin Languages, Associate Professor
16. Iskakov Muktarbek Bakburovich Director of the KSMU Academic Clinic, MD, Professor
17. Kalbaev Abibila Aburaevich Head of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry, MD, Professor
18. Karasheva Nurjamal Tashmatovna Head of the Department of Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Computer Technology, PhD, Associate Professor
19. Koibagarova Asel Almazbekovna Head of the Department of Dermatovenerology, MD, Associate Professor
20. Kojakmatova Guliya Satyndievna Head of the Department of Traumatology Orthopedics and Extreme Surgery, MD, Professor
21. Kononez Irina Evgenevna Head of the Department of Fundamental and Clinical Physiology, MD, Professor
22. Kulbaeva Gulmaria Beisheeva Head of the Department of Russian Language, Ph. D., Associate Professor
23. Kundashev Ulan Kelginovich

Director of the Intersectoral Training and Research Center for Biomedical Research, MD, Associate Professor

24. Kuttubaev Omurbek Tashibekovich Head of the Department of Medical Biology, Genetics and Parasitology, MD, Professor
25. Kuttubaeva Klara Beishenovna Head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, MD, Professor
26. Lim Evgeniya Fyodorovna Associate Professor of the Department of Oncology, PhD
27. Mamatov Sagynali Murzaevich Head of the Department of Hospital Therapy, Occupational Pathology with the course of Hematology, MD, Professor
28. Mamytova Elmira Mitalipovna Head of the Department of Neurology with the course of Medical Genetics, MD, Associate Professor
29. Мahmudova Jyldyz Akmatovna Head of the Department of Biochemistry with the course of General and Bioorganic Chemistry, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
30. Мoldobaeva Marina Satarovna Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases with the course of Endocrinology, MD, Professor
31. Mukashev Mukambet Sharipovich Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Jurisprudence, MD, Professor
32. Muratalieva Anarbu Djaparovna Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Medicines, Ph. D., Associate Professor
33. Akylbek Inoyatovich Musaev Head of the Department of General Practice Surgery with the course of Kombustiology, MD, Professor
34. Musuraliev Makenjan Subanovich Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1, MD, Professor
35. Nasyrov Vadim Aliyarovich Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, MD, Professor
36. Satylganov Ishenbek Zhusuyevich Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy, MD, Professor
37. Stanbekova Kanyshay Nurmamatovna PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Urology
38. Sydygaliev Kylychbek Sulkaidarovich Professor of the Department of Hospital Surgery with the course of Operative Surgery, MD.
39. Тilekeeva Ulankul Mukhtarovna Professor of the Department of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, MD.
40. Тurdumambetova Gulnur Keneshbekovna Head of the Department of Phthisiology, PhD, Associate Professor
41. Тuhvatshin Rustam Ruslanovich Head of the Department of Pathophysiology, MD, Professor
42. Usupova Cholpon Sabyrovna Head of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Ph. D., Associate Professor
43. Dootalieva Sairagul Chynybekovna Acting Head of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, Technology of Medicines, Ph. D., Associate Professor
44. Chyngysheva Jamilya Amanovna Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, PhD, Associate Professor
45. Sharshembiev Joldoshbek Asangazievich  Dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics, MD, Professor
46. Yrysov Keneshbek Bakirbaevich Professor of the Department of Neurosurgery of Pre-and Post-graduate training, MD.
47. Esenamanova Marina Kadyrovna Professor of the Department of Hygienic Disciplines, Candidate of Medical Sciences
48. Osmonov Dastan Taalaibekovich Clinical Resident of the Department of Urology and Andrology before and after graduation, Chairman of Scientific Society of Young Scientists and Students