- Position:
- Director
- muprikgma@mail.ru
- +996 (312) 56 02 17
- 92, Akhunbaev str., Bishkek, 720020

- Position:
- Specialist

- Position:
- Instructor
Medical College of the KSMA was opened in 1999 by a Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Approving the National Program for the Support of Persons with Disabilities”, dated June 29, 1999, which was issued at the request of the representative of the Society of the Blind and Deaf of the Kyrgyz Republic. Based on the Decree the Rector of the KSMA allowed opening a medical college in KSMA for visually impaired persons who have been training as a massage therapist for the period of 1 year.
The first group of students of 16 people started their education in 2001and were the members of “The Society of the Blind and Deaf”. In the next years KSMA allocated 10 grant place. The first graduation of 16 people was in 2003.
From 1998 to 2005 the director duties of the school performed by T.A.Shakhanov, N.E. Umetaliev, M.A. Makeshov.
From 2005 to 2017 director was T.O. Maatov.
Since 2017 till present the director is N.M. Asanbekova.
Director of the medical school Umetalieva N.E. 2000
Director of the medical school Makeshova M.A. 2002-2005
Director of the medical school, honorary worker of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, honorary worker of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic,
Honorary Worker of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, MD, Associate Professor Maatov T.O. 2005-2017
Director of the medical school Asanbekova N.M
The mission of the KSMA Medical College
Improving the level, social status of the visually impaired and the development of intellectual, professional abilities.
Medical College of the I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical is a secondary vocational educational institution that implements the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education at the basic level.
The founder of the College is the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy.
The College carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, relevant legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Charter of the College, orders and instructions of the KSMA Rector, decisions of the Academic Council of KSMA and other local regulations of KSMA and local regulations of the College.
By the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, No. 9/3, titled “On the Results of Accreditation of Educational Programs for Secondary Vocational Education” dated June 19, 2018, the educational programs for secondary vocational education were accredited, as outlined in Appendix No. 1, for a period of 5 years.
By the order of the Agency for Accreditation of Educational Programs and Organizations (AAOPO), No. 3/20/08, dated June 19, 2020, independent program accreditation was granted, with certificate No. VK200000307, registration number 0182, for the specialty “Medical Massage” 0600112, valid for 5 years, until June 19, 2025.
In the 2023-2024 academic year, a special tactile plate was installed, a yellow line was drawn along the alley for the safe and correct movement of students from the dormitory to the academic building and inside the academic building. Signs were posted on the doors indicating the number and name of the classroom according to Braille, several booklets were also published for open lessons, the library has audio books, audio lectures and books on Braille.
Medical College trains students from all regions of the republic.
After graduation, graduates receive a state diploma in the specialty "Medical massage".
At present, graduates of the Medical College are employed in polyclinics, hospitals, public, private rehabilitation and wellness centers of the Republic.
Over the years, 190 graduates have received massage therapist diplomas, many of whom work in their specialty.
Educational and practical classes of students are held in classrooms equipped with appropriate equipment.
The library has audiobooks, audio lectures and books on the Braille system.
Students studying at the Medical College live in a dormitory located next to the academic building on preferential terms. All interested students are provided with a place to stay in the hostel.
Students studying the subject “Methods and techniques of massage” from the professional cycle according to the curriculum. The subject is taugnt by teachers of the Department of Clinical Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, which confirms professional training at the highest level.
Clinical bases of the Medical College are located in City Clinic Hospital No. 6, Center for Family Medicine No. 18 and Bishkek Social Inpatient Institution for the Elderly and persons with disabilities. The teachers of the Medical College teach each student individually, through direct contact of the teacher's hands and the student's hands, personally controlling the process of mastering skills.
Students with excellent academic performance are awarded with scholarships.
Educational program
№ |
Specialty Code |
Title of specialty |
Standard term of study |
Certificate of education upon the completion of training. |
1 |
060112 |
Medical massage |
1 year and 10 months |
Diploma |
With the exception of the 1st semester, each academic semester ends with a practical training. All practice time is intended for the professional training of qualified massage therapists. Students with partial and complete lack of vision have increased sensitivity of the fingers, which is an advantage when performing massage.
Popenko N.A. during the classes of technique in massage.
Students during a lecture on diabetes in pediatrics, teacher A. Zhumalieva
Students during practical classes in the moulage center,
director Asanbekova N.M.
Deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic regularly congratulate our students on Youth Day and International Student Day
Students participants in the “Run the Silk Road” International Marathon
The electronic library is fully equipped with audio books, Braille books,
Students are provided with voice recorders, walking sticks
Meeting of the KSMA Rector I.O. Kudaibergenova with a deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic D.D. Bekeshov
Students of the medical school are talented. They are engaged in hobby art: sing, play the guitar, on the komuz
Rectorate of KSMA them. I.K. Akhunbayeva presents certificates of honor to students of MU at KSMA for active participation in organizational events
Graduate medical school at ksma zhorobekova shirin with scientific leader with Tokyo Hiroshi Kondo.Ph.D.
NVDA - The Russian-speaking community “NVDA.RU” is a social and informational project for people with visual impairments who use the free screen reader software. It provides an audio representation of the information entered into a computer
Braille tactile signs have been placed on the doors indicating the room numbers and names of the classrooms
Special tactile tile
The yellow line along the alley for the safe and proper movement of students from the dormitory to the academic building and inside the one
License No. LS190001204, 2019, Medical College
Statute of the Medical College of KSMA
Certificate No. VK200000307 on completion of independent program accreditation (Medical College)
Work Program in Professional Mathematics
Regulations on the Medical College
Regulations on Job Descriptions
Regulations on Group Leaders of the Medical College
Regulations on Clinical Practice
Regulations on Final Certification by the State Attestation Commission (SAC)
Achievements of teaching staff and students of KSMA Medical College
Moidunova Aiperi Karybekovna took part in the VIII Russian Championship in Massage with international participation among people with visual impairments in the field of "Therapeutic massage" and took III place
Within the framework of academic mobility, a memorandum was signed with the
FSBEI “Kislovodsk Medical College” of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Russian Federation and between Naryn Medical College
2nd year student Asamudinov Baktybek took part in the Chess Championship among people with disabilities.
2nd year students, who have demonstrated high leadership potential and academic performance, receive a one-time scholarship in the amount of 20 thousand soms from the social center for the blinds "Siloam" (Siloam center for the blind) Republic of Korea
2nd year students who have demonstrated high leadership potential and academic performance receive a one-time scholarship in the amount of 20 thousand soms from the social center for the blind "Siloam" (Siloam center for the blind) Republic of Korea
A 2nd year student of the KSMA Medical College Anastasia Yemtseva participated in Paramarathon CIS-2022
Abdykadyrova Alina took 3rd place in the women's 3000metres distance Republican Paramarathon
Students during practical classes at the center for testing and developing clinical skills
Teachers and students of 1-2 courses of the KSMU Medical School during a guided tour in the Yntymak-Manas Ordo building, an architectural symbol of the new Kyrgyz Presidential Administration
In honor of the international day of the white cane on October 15, students of 1-2 courses held a small event
At this event, the students performed their own songs, as well as demonstrated their skills by performing works and dancing to musical accompaniment
Students of KSMU, with a foreign language of instruction, on December 3, for the day of the disabled, arranged a meeting with students of the medical school at KSMU
N. Tentigul, a history teacher of Kyrgyzstan, and the curators of the medical school with 2nd-year students at the National Historical Museum
An open lesson dedicated to AK Kalpak Day
Excellent student Sabyrbekova D.S.
Excellent student Taalaibekov E.T.
Excellent student Atabek uulu Manasbek
Excellent student Mamatov M.S.
Excellent students during practical classes with a teacher on the subject: methods and techniques of massage Popenko N.A.