- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- aidarov@kgma.kg
- 0 (312) 54 58 55
- st. Akhunbaeva, 92

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Position:
- senior lecturer

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Economics
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Position:
- head teacher

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- assistant

- Position:
- assistant

- Position:
- assistant

- Position:
- assistant

- Position:
- assistant

- Position:
- senior laboratory assistant

- Position:
- laboratory assistant
- Short history
The department was founded in 1942. In different years it was called differently: the Department of Health Organization with a course in the history of medicine (1942); social hygiene and healthcare organization with a course in the history of medicine (1966); social medicine, economics and healthcare organization (1996); social medicine, economics and healthcare organization with a course in epidemiology (2006); public health and health care with a course in epidemiology (2008); public health and healthcare (2009). The faculty of continued professional education of doctors (1969 - 1988), as well as training courses for automated control systems (1987 - 1995), medical informatics (1995 - 1997) functioned at the department.
The department was founded by Associate Professor Stepan Zinovievich Tkachenko (1942), who worked until 1944 - these were the most difficult years of the department's formation.
From 1944 to 1945, the head of the department was Stepan Ksenofontovich Lobyntsev, candidate of medical sciences. He paid a lot of attention to the development of health care in Kyrgyzstan.
From 1945 to 1953, the department was headed by a wonderful teacher, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Ivan Vasilyevich Alfimov. In the postwar years, I.V. Alfimov carried out a great work to identify and organize assistance to patients suffering from eye pathologies.
The head of the department from 1953 to 1987 was the Honored Scientist, Honored Doctor, Excellent Healthcare Worker, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Akmatbek Aydaralievich Aidaraliev.
Professor Akmatbek A.А. Photo 1986
After graduating from an incomplete secondary school, he entered the pedagogical college of the city of Frunze. From 1934 to 1939 he studied at the Tashkent Medical Institute. In 1952 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Ocular morbidity of the Dungan population in some regions of the Kyrgyz and Kazakh SSR", and in 1960 a doctoral dissertation on the theme "The main stages of development of health care in the Kyrgyz SSR." Since 1953 - Associate Professor, since 1960 - Professor. Under his supervision, 2 doctoral and 24 candidate dissertations were completed and defended. Professor A.A. Aidaraliev and his students studied many issues of social hygiene and organization of health care, morbidity in the population and measures to prevent them.
In 1954, under his leadership, the Kyrgyz Scientific Medical Historical Society was created. He was repeatedly elected as a deputy to the city and regional Soviets of Working People's Deputies, a member of the regional party committees, and a candidate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan.
Aidaraliev's many-sided activities were marked by high government awards: two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of the Badge of Honor, five medals, a Certificate of Honor of the Supreme Soviet of the Kyrgyz SSR, a Certificate of Honor of the Central Committee of the LKCM, an Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan.
From 1987 to 1997, the head of the department, Honored Health Worker, Excellence in Health Care, Associate Professor Kashaf Dzhumaevich Abdullin.
Associate professor Abdullin K.D. Photo 1986
Working under the guidance of Professor A. A. Aidaraliev in 1965, Abdullin K.D. defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "Cardiovascular pathology in the highlands of Kyrgyzstan."
During the management of associate professor K.D. Abdullin, the department dealt with issues of a healthy lifestyle, medical and demographic processes in Kyrgyzstan. He is the author of more than 137 scientific works, including 3 textbooks, scientific supervisor of 3 candidate dissertations. An important achievement of Abdullin K.D. was the creation of the original museum of the history of medicine in the KSMA (1999).
From September 1997 to 2007 the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Akynbekov Kuttubek Usenbaevich. From 2001 to 2004 he worked as director of the Institute of Management and Public Health, combining the position of head of the department.
Professor Akynbekov K.U. Photo 2010
From 2007 to 2011, the duties of the head of the department were associate professor V.S.Toygombaev, professors D.D. Risaliev and M.M.Karatayev.
Since 2016, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aydarov Ziyabidin Abdiraimovich has been acting as head, and since 2018 became head of the department. In 1996 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Correlation relationships of myelopoiesis with the chemical composition of water in the Chui Valley and Tuya-Ashu village." In 2001 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Reactivity and functional state of the body when drinking water from mountain biohydrochemical provinces of Kyrgyzstan." The academic title "professor" was awarded in 2004.
Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aidarov Z.A.
Since 2001 he has been an "Excellent Health Care Worker", has a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic (2004). Prepared 3 candidates of medical sciences. He has published over 80 scientific works, including 3 monographs and 6 guidelines.
An invaluable contribution to the process of training young professionals was made by the former employees of the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professors N.E. Chernova, K.U. Akynbekov, B.A.Abilov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professors K.J. Abdullin, B. K. Khodzhamberdiev, N. S. Saaliev, S. K. Koikelov, S. O. Orozaliev, I. A. Abdyldaeva, A. I. Zoletilo, A. S. Sydykov. Ph.D assistants: M. S. Yusupova; A. Zh. Zhaanbaev, A. A. Saparbaev, O. A. Bolbachan; assistants: S. M. Urmanbetova; K. Mamatov; A. R. Satybaldieva, N. Zh. Zhanybaev, E. K. Shatmanova, R. K. Moldokanova and others.
Staff and veterans of the department. Photo 1999
Department staff with veterans. Photo 2009
- public health and health care;
- history of medicine;
- Bioethics;
- economics and marketing;
- leadership and management;
- medical geography;
- medical ethics and deontology;
- soсial gerontology;
- Human, society, health (HSH);
- Scientific activity
The main direction of the department's scientific activity is the development of strategic and applied aspects of public health and health care in improving the health of the population. Research work is provided by the faculty of the department, as well as doctoral students, graduate students.
In 1999 initiated and chaired by prof. Akynbekov K.U. a dissertation council was opened for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses in the specialties: hygiene, epidemiology, public health and health care, and since 2005 the council for the specialty "Public health and health care" was separated from it. Over the years of the dissertation council's existence, 7 doctoral and 37 candidate dissertations have been defended.
Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aidarov Ziyabidin Abdiraimovich has been an excellent worker in health care since 2001, has a honorary diploma from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic (2004), prepared 3 candidates of medical sciences, published more than 80 scientific articles, of which 3 monographs and 6 tutorials. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department Madamin Musayevich Karataev has been a Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic since 2009. In June 2000 he defended his doctoral dissertation at the I.P. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. In total, he prepared 14 candidates and 5 doctors of medical sciences, published 170 scientific works, 20 of them monographs and methodological recommendations, member of the editor collegiums of the journal "Health Economics" (Moscow) and the bulletin of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.
In total, the staff of the department has published more than 390 publications, including 5 monographs, 45 methodological recommendations.
The staff of the department are members of various expert commissions, as well Kudaibergenova T.A. is a deputy of the Bioethics Committee of the KSMI and a member of the editorial board of the journal "Medical Ethics" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Every year, the department participates in various forums, conferences, etc. within the country and abroad (international forums -38, international scientific meetings, seminars, conferences - 46). The department also organized and conducted 22 conferences, seminars.
The department actively cooperates with healthcare organizations to jointly implement scientific and practical research projects, programs, seminars and other events (there were 12 events in total).
- International cooperation
The department strives to broaden international cooperation and annually takes part in educational and scientific grant calls of international organizations and foundations in the following areas of activity:
- Scientific and educational grants supporting projects in the field of education and scientific activity:
- in the call for proposals for grant for the development of educational capacity under the EU Erasmus + program with projects for the development of bioethics at the university;
- in the Project Erasmus + "KyrMedU" Advancing University Education in Biomedical Engineering and Health Management in Kyrgyzstan.
- Educational grants and grants supporting the participation of academic staff in international conferences:
- training on the distance learning method under the MoodleMOOC program, acting Associate Professor of the Department Kudaibergenova T.A. within the framework of the EU project Erasmus + "KyrMedU" Advancing University Education in Biomedical Engineering and Health Management in Kyrgyzstan;
- participation of T. A. Kudaibergenova at the international scientific and practical conference: Transcending Borders: Building and Sustaining Bioethics Network for Low Income Countries (August 9-11, 2017), Riga, Latvia with an oral presentation within the framework of grant from the International Fogarty Foundation.
Every year, the academic staff of the department takes an active part in the Winter and Summer schools of the S. D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University.
The Department of Public Health and Healthcare is a partner of UNESCO in the development of educational and scientific activities. Thus, at the initiative of the Department, the Unit group of the International Network of Institutes in the Field of Training in Medical Ethics of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics at the University of Haifa (Israel) was created in early 2019, with the aim of promoting education in the field of bioethics, developing and improving curricula in bioethics and medical ethics meeting the requirements of medical schools in the world. The Unit group promotes lectures, courses, seminars on bioethics, delivers lectures and courses for various professional communities and the public in general. All activities of the Unit group agree with the principles, rules and guidelines of UNESCO and its Department of Bioethics.
- Social life of the Department
The Department actively participates in social, cultural and educational events every year:
- "Health Day" (classes are held with schoolchildren on the topics: "Healthy lifestyle", "Harm from smoking and vaping", etc.);
- "World Bioethics Day(participate and hold this event)";
- "Global health coverage"(participate and hold this event);
- "State Language Day" (participate and hold this event);
- "Clean City" (participate);
- participate in the event dedicated to the spring holiday "Nooruz;
The staff of the department at various events ("clean city", Nooruz holiday, "health day", "Kyrgyz Language Day").