- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Head of Department

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Position:
- Senior lecturer

- Position:
- Head of the department on academic affairs

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant
The Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases with the course of Endocrinology of the KSMA was founded in 1941 with the assistance of Professor M. E. Volskii.
Since 1942, Professor V. A. Elberg was appointed head of the department.
From 1944 to 1953, Professor I. I. Mashkovskyi headed the department.
From 1953 to 1958, the department was headed by Associate Professor A. F. Yakovlev.
From 1958 to 1962, the department was headed by Associate Professor M. M. Mirrakhimov.
From 1962 to 1996, the department was headed by Professor I. T. Kalyuzhnyi.
From 1996 to the present, the department is headed by Professor M. S. Moldobaeva
The department participates in the program of the Swiss Bureau for Cooperation in Kyrgyzstan within the framework of the project "Reforms of medical education in the Kyrgyz Republic"
The following subjects are taught at the department:
- "Fundamentals of clinical examinations in internal medicine" for 2nd year students
of the "General Medicine" and "General Medicine with the English language study" faculties.
- Module "Endocrine system" for 3rd year students of the "General Medicine" and "General Medicine with the English language study" faculties.
- Module "Digestive system" for 3rd year students of the "General Medicine" and "General Medicine with the English language study" faculties.
- "Diseases of the endocrine system" in the clinical course "Therapy" for 4th year students of the "General Medicine" and "General Medicine with the English language study" faculties.
- "Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract" in the clinical course "Therapy" for 4th-5th year students of the "General Medicine" and "General Medicine with the English language study" faculties.
- "Propaedeutics of internal diseases" for 3rd year students of the "Pediatrics" faculty.
- "Clinical medicine" for 3rd year students of the "Pharmacy" faculty.
- "Clinical medicine" for 2nd-year students of the "Pharmacy" faculty on the base of the SPE.
- Elective course "Type 1 diabetes mellitus in adults" for 3rd year students of the "Pediatrics" faculty.
- Elective course "Pituitary dysfunction syndrome" for 3rd year students of the "General Medicine" and "General Medicine with the English language study" faculties.
- Elective course "Thyroid gland and pregnancy" for 4th year students of the "General Medicine" and "General Medicine with the English language study" faculties.
- Elective course "Diabetes mellitus and iodine deficiency diseases" for 4th year students of the "Medical and Preventive medicine" faculty.
- Elective course "Constipation, problems. Differentiated therapy of constipation" for the 6th year students of the "General Medicine" and "General Medicine with the English language study" faculties.
- Elective course "Guide for pharmacists on COVID-19" for students of the "Pharmacy" faculty.
The main directions are the problems of mountain biomedicine and pharmacy of the Kyrgyz Republic: diabetes mellitus in Kyrgyzstan, cardiovascular risks in diabetes mellitus in Kyrgyzstan, as well as thyroid diseases, helicobacter pylori in Kyrgyzstan, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
The department collaborated with colleagues from near and far abroad: Max-Planck-Institute (Germany), in the Government project "Kadyrluu-Karylyk", with the Research Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine at the NCCT, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic in the form of a grant to create a register on diabetes mellitus.
Employees of the department have certificates of advanced training in the IDF, EASD programs.
The "Clinical Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of type 2 Diabetes mellitus at the primary level of health care" and "Clinical Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of uncomplicated peptic ulcer Disease in the active phase at the primary level of health care" and clinical protocols have been created and implemented in practical health care, which lead to a decrease in the level of hospitalizations, improve the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes and peptic ulcer disease in Kyrgyzstan, will help to rationally use medicines and insulins, as well as the resources of the medical service.
A Memorandum of cooperation was signed with the Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine Latvijas University within the framework of the International Agency for Research on Cancer WHO program, the USA National Cancer Institute.
Academic mobility is carried out in the preparation of students and residents in the form of cooperation with the Semey State Medical University, the University of Latvia, the Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, the Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education.
Cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Kazakhstan in the form of scientific and practical training and scientific guidance on the doctoral program at the Kazakh Medical University "Higher School of Public Health" and the Semey State Medical University.
Professor Moldobaeva M. S.
Management of 3 post-graduate students. Member of the Board of the ADIM KR, RSC, ESC, member of the dissertation councils in internal diseases of the KR, President of the ALE "Kyrgyz Association of Specialists in Non-communicable Diseases", Chairman of the PO of Endocrinologists and Diabetologists of the KR, member of the editorial board of the scientific and practical journal "Vestnik KGMA" and "Juvenis scientia", the author of 450 scientific papers, including: in foreign journals in English – 10, in Scopus - 2, in RSCI - 39 (36 – citations, 3 – Hirsch index), editorials are registered in academic journals, tracked, and peer-reviewed on the Publons website.
- State clinical bases (Bishkek): NH of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic (departments of gastroenterology, endocrinology, cardiology of IPW, general therapy of IPW), CDD NH, NPCMiC, NCP, NCO, RCIH, UCH No. 6, CEM, RWH, CH PAKR, CFD No. 7 and No. 9
- Private clinical bases (Bishkek): medical centers "KGMA", "On-clinic", "Memorial clinic", "Vedanta", "LIK", Bishkek Medical Clinic.
- Chui region: TH of the Moskow district, TH of the Issyk-Ata district, Sokuluk district FMC, Chui district FMC, Issyk-Ata district FMC, Chui RUH
- Naryn region: At-Bashy TH, Naryn RUH, Naryn RFMC.
- Issyk-Kul region: Issyk-Kul RUH, Issyk-Kul RFMC.
- Talas region: Talas RUH.
- Jalal-Abad region: FMC, ZHRUH, Suzak TH, TH and FMC of Bazar-Korgon, Nooken TH and FMC, Kochkor-Ata TH and FMC.
- Osh region: Alai TH, Nookat TH, Kara-Kulzha TH and FMC, Osh Interregional United Hospital.