
Activities to promote a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle includes the following main components: the correct mode of work and rest, the absence of bad habits, sufficient motor activity, personal hygiene, hardening and rational nutrition.

The training of highly qualified specialists is inseparable from the concept of the basics of a healthy lifestyle. That is why the I. K. Akhunbaev KSMA  actively conducts educational work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The main objectives of this direction are:

  1. Organization and holding of competitions, actions dedicated to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the preservation of health
  2. Expansion of sports sections, organization of sports events
  3. Informing about events dedicated to the topic of healthy lifestyle held at the academy and beyond
  4. Organization and participation in donor campaigns, popularization of personnel donation

Activities carried out as part of the promotion of healthy lifestyle and prevention of destructive behavior    

Football tournaments are held annually (the Rector's Cup and the Deans ' Cup):

Students of the Faculty of "General Medicine No. 1" - winners and prize-winners of the " Rector's Cup”

National sports games are held at the Nooruz event:

Every year, in honor of February 23, an Arm wrestling competition is held among students:

Every year, quizzes and quizzes are held on the day of the fight against tuberculosis, depression

Every year, employees and students of KSMA ascend to the peak " Komsomolets”

Physical education classes, therapeutic physical education are held

Emergency prevention campaign

Students of the Faculty of " Dentistry” on the basis of school No. 17 held a thematic evening " Speedometer"

Preventive quest "Everything you need to know about HIV"

Curatorial hour " Simple Rules: know to live"  

Saturday Work on the territory, and in support of the "Clean City" 

KSMA students took part in the donation campaign:

The campaign “Breathe easy " was held (we did the breath. gymnastics)

Curatorial hours are held annually on the topic: “The harm of tobacco”

Dedicated to the international day of smoking cessation, as well as the use of alcohol and drug addiction. Where guest meetings with psychologists are organized.