- cooskgma@mail.ru
- +996 (312) 54-63-61
- Akhunbaev str., 92b. Academic Building No. 4
Monday | 9:00 -- 17:30 |
Tuesday | 9:00 -- 17:30 |
Wednesday | 9:00 -- 17:30 |
Thursday | 9:00 -- 17:30 |
Friday | 9:00 -- 17:30 |
Saturday | day off |
Sunday | day off |

- Position:
- Director
- tomilina78@list.ru
- +996 (312) 54-63-61
- Akhunbaev str., 92b. Academic Building No. 4

- Position:
- Office Registrar
- cooskgma@mail.ru
- +996 (312) 54-63-61
- Akhunbaev str., 92b. Academic Building No. 4

- Position:
- Office Registrar
- cooskgma@mail.ru
- +996 (312) 54-63-61
- Akhunbaev str., 92b. Academic Building No. 4

- Position:
- Office Registrar
- cooskgma@mail.ru
- +996 (312) 54-63-61
- Akhunbaev str., 92b. Academic Building No. 4

- Position:
- Office Registrar
- cooskgma@mail.ru
- +996 (312) 54-63-61
- Akhunbaev str., 92b. Academic Building No. 4

- Position:
- Office Registrar
- cooskgma@mail.ru
- +996 (312) 54-63-61
- Akhunbaev str., 92b. Academic Building No. 4

- Position:
- Office Registrar
- cooskgma@mail.ru
- +996 (312) 54-63-61
- Akhunbaev str., 92b. Academic Building No. 4

- Position:
- Office Registrar
- cooskgma@mail.ru
- +996 (312) 54-63-61
- Akhunbaev str., 92b. Academic Building No. 4
The Centre was established and opened by the Rector's order No. 344 dated 20 November 2023 in order to optimise the system of document issuance services, reduce time costs, queues and create other favourable conditions for the staff and students of KSMA according to the principle of "single window", as well as to provide consulting and reference services by obtaining information from the information systems of KSMA. As of today, 12 windows are working simultaneously, where office-registrars consult and issue the requested documents.
- simplifying procedures for students and staff to receive services, and reducing the time it takes to provide them;
- increasing the comfort of receiving services;
- reducing the number of documents submitted by applicants to receive services;
- elimination of personal contacts of applicants with officials who make a decision to provide (refuse to provide) services;
- combating corruption and elimination of intermediary services;
- increasing the satisfaction of service recipients with the quality of service provision;
- raising students' awareness of the procedure and conditions for receiving educational services;
- increasing transparency and accountability of the activities of officials of executive bodies of state power;
- improving the culture and quality of services provided to learners in the learning and education sector;
- continuous improvement of the process of providing public services;
- development and automation of forms of intra-university documentation and development of electronic services for students, contributing to the improvement of the quality and efficiency of records management.
Organisation and support of the "one-stop-shop" system, organisation of interaction with service consumers and structural units involved in the provision of services.
Counselling students/residents on: transfer, reinstatement, re-training, expulsion, and other academic issues during the academic process.
Receiving applications for reinstatement, transfer, academic leave, expulsion (checking and availability of the package of documents, according to the "Regulations on the procedure of reinstatement and transfer of students of KSMA").
Organisation and provision of services on the principle of "single window" for issuing certificates and other documents:
- on confirmation of studies at KSMA for students/interns/residents;
- for the Social Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic for students/interns/residents;
- about training to the embassy for a visa;
- to the military enlistment office;
- accepting applications for academic transcripts for students/interns/residents;
- issuing transcripts for students/interns/residents;
- certificate of completion for students/interns/residents;
- bypass sheet for students/interns/residents;
- archival certificates for students/interns/residents;
- counselling on the use of AVN;
- issuing a login and password to the learner's personal account;
- advising students on tuition fees, working off missed classes for an unexcused reason, hostel, additional educational programmes, etc;
- ensuring electronic admission to the session and obtaining certificates based on the accounting department's data on tuition fees and hostel fees;
- receiving applications for tuition fee discounts and submitting them to the Finance Committee;
- coordinating with the accounting department to control tuition fees;
- receiving and processing applications for tuition fee refunds/rebates;
- accepting applications for reimbursement of budget/grant funds for tuition fees;
- accepting applications for dormitory rooms;
- drawing up and issuing a warrant for occupancy of a dormitory;
- accepting applications for income certificates for employees;
- issuing by-pass slips to employees for obtaining labour book;
- receipt of applications and issuance of archive certificates for employees and students until 2016.