Education Quality Management Office
Contact information
Sultashev Almaz Jusupbekovich
Sultashev Almaz Jusupbekovich
Head of the Office
Employees of the office
Ismailova Jyldyz Saparbaevna
Ismailova Jyldyz Saparbaevna
Lead specialist
Toktogazieva Nura Kakenovna
Toktogazieva Nura Kakenovna
Satybaldieva Asel Rayimkulovna
Satybaldieva Asel Rayimkulovna
Brief history

In accordance with the main directions of the "Strategy of reforming the system of higher medical and pharmaceutical education in the Kyrgyz Republic", as well as the decisions of the seminar "Improving the quality of higher medical and pharmaceutical education in the Kyrgyz Republic - the key to the success of the reform of the health system" (November 2008) in March 2009, the Administration of KSMA decided to implement the quality management system of education on the basis of the ISO 9001 International Standard .

The management structure of the Academy provides services and officials responsible for ensuring the quality of education and controlling this side of the institution.

In accordance with the Order of the rector №81 dated March 12, 2009 “On the implementation of quality management system (QMS) in KSMA”  the Quality Management Sector began its work.

The main objective of the sector: organization, coordination and work on the development, implementation, maintenance and improvement of the Quality Management System of Education in KSMA.

For the practical implementation of the quality management system was adopted organizational Education Quality Management Office, which includes

  • Academic Council of KSMA,
  • KSMA Rectors,
  • representative of the rector for quality (ПРК),
  • leaders of the processes,
  • education quality management sector
  • responsible for the QMS of the units.

The first head of the sector (from March 2009 to December 2010) was Professor Brimkulov Nurlan Nurgazievich.

From January 2011 to October 2015, the head of the sector was Ismailova Zhyldyz Saparbaevna.

From November 2015 to August 2016 sector quality management supervised by Phd Sultashev Almaz Zhusupbekovich.

In September 2016, the quality management sector was transformed into the Education Quality Management Office.

From September 2016 to November 2016 - head of the Education Quality Management Office was Artem Elistratov.

From 1 December 2016 1 December 2017, theOffice was headed by MD Sharshembiev Joldoshbek Asangazievich.

Since January 2018, the Education Quality Management Office is headed by PhD, Sultashev Almaz Zhusupbekovich.

General information

Education Quality Management Office activities are carried out in accordance with the approved plan for the Development Strategy of KSMA. The annual plan is discussed and approved by the Board of Education Quality.

 The main goals and objectives of Office are:

  • development, documentation, implementation and maintenance of KSMA quality management system, continuous improvement of its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of ST ISO 9001-2015;
  • organization and analysis of KSMA QMS functioning;
  • control over compliance with requirements of the QMS in the departments and in the Offices of KSMA;
  • implementation of internal audit, monitoring and evaluation of the quality of the educational process. Ensuring qualified use of their results for decision-making management ;
  • preparation of materials for the Council on Quality of Education;
  • establishing business contacts with organizations dealing with Quality Management and Certification;
  • The Office is headed by the head, which is appointed and dismissed by the Order of the Rector.

During the absence of the head of the Office, his duties are performed by the appointed specialist of the Office.

Education Quality Management Office interacts with all Structural units and Departments of KSMA on the development, implementation, updating of QMS documentation;

with educational divisions (EMO, faculties, chairs) concerning educational process, carrying out sociological researches among students;
with the Offices of KSMA on issues of employee satisfaction;
Education Quality Management Office interacts with the responsible QMS of all Departments and Chairs of KSMA, internal auditors on audit issues.

Staff. 2024

Documents of the Office