The Department of Faculty Surgery named after academician K.R. Ryskulova is located on basis of the Bishkek City Clinical Hospital №1. The study area per student meets standards. Department has 100% staffing of teaching staff and teaching and support staff. The academic load is carried out by full-time and freelance teachers of department. The following modules are taught at department: "Diseases of gastrointestinal tract", "Diseases of cardiovascular system", "Diseases of endocrine system", "Diseases of respiratory system", elective courses "Essentials of laparoscopy", "Liver transplantation" for 4th and 5th year students of Faculty of "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Dentistry", "General Medicine with English language education". There is a complete educational and methodological complex for above disciplines, which is posted on I.K. Akhunbaev KSMA’s website. Electronic learning tools are widely used in the learning process. The department has training and monitoring programs on various sections of surgical diseases, video materials. All lectures are given by teachers of the department using a multimedia screen. Every year teachers of department participate in the organization of State Final Certification (testing, oral examination, supervision of patients with surgical diseases). All materials for preparing for the SFC students can receive at the department on electronic media, materials are also posted on website of KSMA. Every year department’s teachers act as heads of winter and summer industrial practice of students. Associate professors and professors of department conduct research work together with students and postgraduates who successfully speak at university (KSMA Science Days) and republican conferences.
Department of Faculty Surgery named after Academician K.R. Ryskulova was organized on November 21, 1941 on the basis of Frunze City Hospital. The management and organization of department were entrusted to Professor V.V. Babuk (Belarus) and Associate Professor P.L. Shupik (Ukraine), who were evacuated during the Second World War.
During the war, Professor Fabrikant M.B. and Associate Professor Gorchakov, well-known in Ukraine, also arrived, who helped in the training of young medical specialists and provided surgical assistance to wounded from the front.
In 1945, in connection with the departure of evacuated specialists to their republics, Professor Anatoly Nikolaevich Kruglov was elected head of department. The merit of Professor A.N. Kruglov is that he trained the first generation of surgeons from Kyrgyz people: I.K.Akhunbayev, Z.I. Egemberdiev and K.R. Ryskulova. From 1944 to 1957, he organized the Republican Oncological Center at hospital for treatment of war invalids, cancer rooms in polyclinics and an oncological department in Osh, and also organized the first republican conference of oncologists in 1956. Under the leadership of A.N. Kruglov defended 2 doctoral dissertations (Ryskulova K.R., Tomashevich V.V.) and 16 candidate dissertations(Gorin S.G., Prizhivoyt G.N., Kovinsky T.I., Paches A.I., Akhunbaev I.K., Kruglova E.A., Igemberdiev Z.I., etc.).
In 1957, by order of republic’s leadership, the Department of Faculty surgery was transferred to first city united hospital of Frunze plant, where it receives 70 beds at its disposal.
In 1962, an experimental laboratory was organized at the clinic.
In 1967 surgical department was transferred to a new three-storey building. In general, Department of Faculty Surgery received 200 beds. In addition to 3 operating rooms, a urological department, there were 3 study rooms, a lecture hall for 120-150 people, equipped with blackout, an epidiascope and a TV connected to the operating room.
By 1967, more than 25 people had undergone surgical training at department as clinical residents. Many of them became famous surgeons: Dyachenko N. (Chief surgeon of Bryansk region (Russia), deputy of Supreme Soviet of USSR), Ossovskaya (head of the surgical department in the military hospital in Tula), Haigrecht S.I. (head of the surgical department of Republican clinical Hospital in Frunze), Paches A.I. (professor-oncologist in Moscow), Kalykulov A. (chief physician of Aravan Hospital district in Osh region), S. Karabayeva (Assistant of Department of Pathophysiology in Alma-Ata Medical Institute).
In 1967 head of the department was elected Ryskulova Kakish Ryskulovna. During her tenure at department worked: Professor Kruglov A.N., Professor Aliyev S.A.; associate professors Tomashevich V.V., Nigmatulina F.S., Zubekhina L.M.; assistants Abdyldaev O.A., Tynystanov E.K., Azimova R.M., Akmatov B.A., Mazhenov A.S., Amerkhanov A.K., Tynaliev M.G., Balabekova A.K., Isakov H.I., Begaev L.S., Kenzhaev M.G., Omorov R.A. Under guidance of academician Ryskulova K.R., 4 doctoral dissertations were defended (Akmatov B.A., Omorov R.A., Tararak T.Y., Beishenaliev A.S.) and 19 candidate dissertations.
Under leadership of Ryskulova K.R., modern immunological methods for the diagnosis of echinococcosis were developed and put into practice, mass surveys of livestock breeders and their families were conducted to identify early forms of echinococcosis, determination of the economic damage caused by echinococcosis (Akmatov B.A., Kenzhaev M.G.), and seminars were held with laboratory doctors on methodology of immunological reactions in diagnosis of echinococcosis.
The department’s staff conducted research related to development of issues of treatment of acute and chronic cholecystitis and postcholecystectomy syndrome (Ryskulova K.R., Nigmatulina F.S., Amerkhanov A.K., Omorov R.A., Konurbaeva Zh.T.). The main attention was paid to issues of indications for surgery, determination of liver’s condition, pancreas and stomach after cholecystectomy, which it allowed us to outline ways to prevent complications and implement them in clinic in near and long term after surgery.
In 1992, the department’s head became Honored Doctor of Republic, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Akmatov Bekbolot Akmatovich. Under his leadership, problems of parasitic diseases were studied in depth and research on pathology of digestive organs and diabetic angiopathy continued. Professor Akmatov B.A. was supervisor of 6 graduate students for degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences (Osmonaliev D.M., Toktobayev N.D. Ryskulova A.A., Kasyev N.B., Bashirov R.M., Vishnyakov D. V.), scientific consultant of 3 applicants for defense of a doctoral dissertation (Belekov Zh., Kenzhaev M.G., Musaev A.I.).
In 2002 Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of Republic Omorov Rakhatbek Arsybekovich became a head of the Department of Faculty Surgery. For the first time in republic, Professor Omorov R.A. performed complex surgical interventions such as total esophageal plastic surgery for its stricture, total pancreatoduodenectomy, pancreatoduodenal resection for tumors of the hepatopancreatoduodenal zone. In addition, minimally invasive methods of puncture drainage of abdominal and liver abscesses, puncture drainage of echinococcal liver cysts have been produced and widely implemented, laparoscopic operations on abdominal organs are performed.
Professor Omorov R.A. has published 5 monographs and more than 100 scientific papers. Under his leadership, PhD dissertations were defended (Beishenbayev R.K., Kerimaliev T.K., Toktosunov A.S., Abdiev A.A.) and 4 doctoral dissertations (Zholdoshbekov E.Zh., Avasov B.A., Musaev U.S., Aitbayev S.A.).
In 2017, the Department of Faculty Surgery was named after academician K.R. Ryskulova.

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Head of the Dept.

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor
- Position:
- Head of training unit

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Professor

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Assistant

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Senior laboratory assistant

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Laboratory assistant
"Diseases of gastrointestinal tract", "Diseases of cardiovascular system", "Diseases of endocrine system", "Diseases of respiratory system", elective courses "Essentials of laparoscopy", "Liver transplantation" for 4th and 5th year students of Faculty of "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Dentistry", "General Medicine with English language education"
Avasov B.A., Saparov S.Sh., Atakulov B.A. at the KSMA ScientificDays-2022
Academician K.R. Ryskulova with students
Assistant Atakulov B.A. at V. Goldish Western University (Arad, Romania-2023)
Assistant Saparov S.Sh. - Head physician of KSMA COVID-19 Hospital (2020)
Assistants Osmonaliev B.K. and Atakulov B.A. at the Conference of proctologists of Kyrgyzstan-2022
Atakulov B.A. together with students at the Ata-Beyit Memorial Complex (2023)
Speech by Prof. Omorov R.A. at the opening of Monument to doctors who fought COVID-19
Day of the medical worker at the monument to the doctors who fought COVID-19 (2023)
Foreign surgical professors on vacation with the staff of the department (2022)
Department Assembly (2023)
International Congress on Intraluminal Endosurgery-2022
International Congress on Colorectal Surgery-2022
Organization by the rector Prof. Kudaibergenova I.O. covid-hospital on the basis of dormitory 6 (2020)
Opening of the monument to doctors who fought COVID-19
Prof. Omorov R.A. on the operation
Professor Omorov R.A. at the state exam for 6th year students (2015)
Professor Omorov R.A. at a meeting at KSMA (2017)
Professor Omorov R.A. at the monument to doctors who fought COVID-19
Romanian professor-surgeon Sofroni S.V. with the staff of the department and hospital (2023)
Staff and postgraduates of the department (2015)
Staff of the department at the conference Innovations of minimally invasive surgery-2021
Five-minute morning session under the guidance of Professor R.A. Omorov (2016)
Five-minute morning session under the guidance of Professor R.A. Omorov (2016)
Awarding of Honorary Professor of KSMA Zubekhina L.M. with the medal «For Services to KSMA» (2019)
Awarding of Professor L.M. Zubekhina with the «Dank» Medal
List of dissertations issued from the Department of Faculty Surgery
Name |
Dissertation |
Year |
Topic |
Akhunbaev I.K. |
Candidate |
1946 |
Appendicitis of childhood |
Egemberdiev |
Candidate |
1947 |
Shock in abdominal wounds |
Kruglova E.A. |
Candidate |
1947 |
On the issue of long-term hexenal anesthesia |
Akhunbaev I.K. |
Doctor |
1948 |
Goiter of the Chui Valley |
Ryskulova K.R. |
Candidate |
1951 |
To the technique of nerve stump treatment during amputations |
Gorin S.G. |
Candidate |
1951 |
Blood supply to the thigh skin |
Kovinsky T.I. |
Candidate |
1953 |
The reaction of bone tissue to a metallic foreign body |
Przhivoit G.N. |
Candidate |
1955 |
On the nervous regulation of the number and phagocytic activity of leukocytes |
Paches A.I. |
Candidate |
1955 |
The significance of the paramecial reaction in the diagnosis of cancer |
Anokhina T.I. |
Candidate |
1955 |
Agricultural injuries in the Talas region |
Khodzhamberdiev B.I. |
Candidate |
1955 |
Injuries at the Kyzyl-Kiya coal mine |
Akhmedzhaev U.H. |
Candidate |
1958 |
On the issue of prostate hypertrophy |
Aidarbekova R.I. |
Candidate |
1961 |
About urolithiasis in Kyrgyzstan |
Nigmatulina F.S. |
Candidate |
1963 |
Functional morphology of the gastric mucosa in polyposis |
Seideev K.S. |
Candidate |
1965 |
Mechanical suture for ureter and pelvis plastic surgery |
Asnach I.T. |
Candidate |
1967 |
To the pathogenesis and therapy of fistulas of the anus and rectum |
Agzamov D.A. |
Candidate |
1967 |
Perineal puncture biopsy in the diagnosis of prostate diseases |
Ryskulova K.R. |
Doctor |
1967 |
Blood vessels and nerves of the scar walls of the artery and vein during mechanical and manual stitching in the experiment |
Tomashevich V.V. |
Doctor |
1968 |
To a comparative assessment of the course of various types of traumatic shock and blood loss in intact animals and in acute radiation sickness |
Akmatov B. A. |
Candidate |
1970 |
Echinococcosis of the eastern regions of the Chui Valley and measures to combat it |
Azimova R.M. |
Candidate |
1970 |
To the treatment of acute thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities |
Abdyldaev O.A. |
Candidate |
1971 |
On the issue of treatment of nephroptosis |
Itekenov N.A. |
Candidate |
1971 |
Features of the course of experimental burn shock in high-altitude conditions |
Amirkhanov A.K. |
Candidate |
1975 |
Clinical and functional state of the stomach in the surgical treatment of acute and chronic cholecystitis |
Gershenzon V.F. |
Candidate |
1975 |
Materials for the surgical treatment of stomach cancer |
Isakov H.I. |
Candidate |
1975 |
Clinical and immunological characteristics of gastric and duodenal ulcer complicated by penetration |
Mazhenov A.S. |
Candidate |
1975 |
Esophagogastroscopy in the diagnosis of diseases of the upper digestive tract in elderly and senile patients |
Balabekova A.K. |
Candidate |
1978 |
Autoallergia and immunological reactivity of the body in gastric and duodenal ulcer |
Tararak T.Ya. |
Candidate |
1979 |
Clinical pathomorphology of the liver and gastric mucosa in peptic ulcer disease |
Begaev L.S. |
Candidate |
1980 |
Clinical and functional assessment of patients with thrombophlebitic syndrome of the lower extremities and their treatment |
Kenzhaev M.G. |
Candidate |
1982 |
Clinical and immunological characteristics and surgical treatment of patients with echinococcosis |
Omorov R.A. |
Candidate |
1984 |
Clinical and functional characteristics of patients with complications after cholecystectomy and their treatment |
Beishenaliev A.S. |
Candidate |
1989 |
Clinical and functional evaluation of vagotomy methods in the treatment of patients with duodenal ulcer |
Ishmuratov A.B. |
Candidate |
1990 |
Clinical and functional evaluation of surgical treatment of patients with acute and chronic cholecystitis |
Konurbaeva Zh.T. |
Candidate |
1990 |
Surgical treatment of cholelithiasis complicated by jaundice |
Usupbaev A.Ch. |
Candidate |
1991 |
Clinical and functional state of the kidneys and hepatobiliary system in patients with renal colic |
Shokodko N.M. |
Candidate |
1992 |
The incidence of varicose veins of the lower extremities and its complications among residents of Bishkek and their surgical treatment |
Shabdanaliev A.Sh. |
Candidate |
1992 |
The effectiveness of complex treatment of diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities with the use of UV-autoblood and laser irradiation |
Osmonaliev D.M. |
Candidate |
1994 |
Prevention of immediate complications after surgery for duodenal ulcer |
Toktobayev N.D. |
Candidate |
1995 |
Prevention of complications after echinococcectomy of the liver and abdominal organs |
Ryskulova A.A. |
Candidate |
1996 |
Features of diagnosis and surgical treatment of multiple and combined echinococcosis |
Belekov Zh. |
Doctor |
1997 |
Diagnosis and surgical tactics in combined, complicated and recurrent forms of liver echinococcosis |
Omorov R.A. |
Doctor |
1998 |
Benign diseases of the biliary tract, diagnosis and surgical tactics |
Kasyev N.B. |
Candidate |
1998 |
Diagnosis of echinococcosis and prediction of postoperative complications |
Musaev A. I. |
Doctor |
2000 |
Methods of elimination of the fibrous capsule cavity in echinococcosis |
Bashirov R.M. |
Candidate |
2000 |
Features of diagnosis and surgical treatment of recurrent echinococcosis |
Vishnyakov D.V. |
Candidate |
2000 |
Optimization of definition of degree of severity of endotoxicosis and algorythmization of detoxication therapy of patients with cholelithiasis |
Kenzhaev M. G. |
Doctor |
2002 |
Diagnosis of echinococcosis and prevention of its recurrence |
Beishenbaev R.K. |
Candidate |
2004 |
Modern approaches to assessing the condition of the biliary tract in the surgical treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer and ways to prevent their disorders |
Asylbashev R.B. |
Candidate |
2004 |
Programmed treatment of purulent wounds |
Abasov B.A. |
Candidate |
2006 |
Mini-access cholecystectomy using minimally invasive technologies |
Kerimaliev T.K. |
Candidate |
2006 |
Prevention of complications after emergency operations on abdominal organs |
Musaev U.S. |
Candidate |
2007 |
Ways to improve surgical treatment of choledocholithiasis |
Aitbaev S.A. |
Candidate |
2008 |
Alveococcosis in the Kyrgyz Republic and features of its surgical treatment |
Zholdoshbekov E.Zh. |
Doctor |
2013 |
Improving the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of purulent complications of diabetic foot syndrome |
Zhumadylov K.S. |
Candidate |
2013 |
Biliodigestive anastomoses in the treatment of patients with gallstone disease and its complications and the quality of life after their execution |
Mundukov K.Zh. |
Candidate |
2013 |
Features of diagnosis and treatment of gallbladder polyps |
Abdiev A.A. |
Candidate |
2013 |
Prevention and treatment of complications after liver surgery for alveococcosis |
Musaev U.S. |
Doctor |
2015 |
Modern approaches to surgical treatment of the choledocholithiasis patients and its complications |
Toktosunov A.S. |
Candidate |
2016 |
Programmed treatment of gallstone disease in patients elderly and senile age |
Aytbaev S.A. |
Doctor |
2018 |
Modern approaches to the diagnostics and treatment of alveococcosis |
Alymkulov M.Ch. |
Candidate |
2019 |
Comparative assessment of treatment of patients with gallstone disease using mini-invasive methods in different age groups and measures to prevent their complications |
Omorov T.B. |
Candidate |
2020 |
Features of the clinical course of gallstone disease in high altitude |
Niyazov K.A. |
Candidate |
2023 |
Features of clinical course of the primary and recurrent gastroduodenal ulcerous bleedings in the mountain conditions |
- Bishkek City Clinical Hospital No. 1 (Fuchik str. 15/1)