- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor
- Position:
- Head of the department

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant, Head teacher

- Position:
- Lead lab assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant
In 1941, at the Department of faculty therapy was organized docent course on tuberculosis, which was headed by associate Professor Frank L. A. From 1957 to 1959 this docent course led by PhD K. Prosvirnov.
In 1959 the docent course war tranformed into separate department pf Phtisiology. From 1959 to 1960 the head of the Department of Phthisiology was assistant Professor, candidate of Medicine P. Fux. Then in different periods of time the Department was headed by:
- 1960–1963 - Professor Nedospasov S. E., Chief Scientific Researcher, Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of Mininstry of Helathcare of the USSR;
- 1974–1986, 2004-2013 - associate Professor A. A. Asambaev
- 1986–1988 - doctor of Medicine, Professor I. P. Zinoviev
- 1989–1993 - candidate of Medicine, Professor T. CH. Chubakov
- 1994–2004 - doctor of Medicine, Professor A. S. Alisherov
- 2013–2015 - doctor of Medicine A. S.Kadyrov
- 2015–present time - associate Professor Gulnura Turdumambetova .
1) “Phthisiology” for the 5th year of the Faculty of “General Medicine”
2) “Phthisiology” for the 5th year of the Faculty of “Pediatrics”
3) “Phthisiology” for the 4th year of the Faculty of “Dentistry”
4) “Phthisiology” for the 4th year of the Faculty of “Medical and Preventive Affairs”
5) “Phthisiology” for 4th and 5th years of the Faculty of “General Medicine” with English as the language of instruction
6) Elective courses for choosing a specialty at the faculties “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”, “Medical and Preventive Care”, “General Medicine” with English as the language of instruction
- 1960–1970 On the basis of the Department of Phthisiology, for the first time, research work began to be carried out on the prevention of tuberculosis among students in Kyrgyzstan, the characteristics of the course of silicosis, silicotuberculosis and coniotuberculosis in residents of mountainous regions.
- 1970–1980 departmental scientific work was carried out on the topics: “Suspicion of tuberculosis among rural residents”, “Relapses of tuberculosis”, “Tuberculosis and alcoholism” (T.Ch. Chubakov, K.R. Mamatov), “Features of tuberculosis among children and adolescents” (Associate Professor M.D. Subanbekov, assistants R.Sh. Galieva, L.K. Namatbekova), “Immune therapy of respiratory tuberculosis” (A.A. Asambaev., R.M. Frenkel).
- Associate Professor Subanbekov M.D. one of the first in the republic to study “Peculiarities of respiration and gas exchange in healthy and tuberculosis-sick children” in different climatic conditions.
- 1996–2010 Professor Alisherov A.Sh. began to be the first to attract foreign investors to help solve acute problems in the field of detection, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis and was the initiator in the development and implementation of the National Tuberculosis - I program 1996–2000; “Tuberculosis – II” 2001–2005; Tuberculosis –I II” 2006–2010
- 1999–2007 employees of the department actively participate in the research work “Tuberculin diagnostics. Detection and diagnosis of tuberculosis among students. An assessment was carried out of about 4 thousand intradermal Mantoux tests (tuberculin diagnostics) carried out by department employees during 1998-2000. among junior courses of 4 universities of the Kyrgyz Republic (KSMA, KTU, KSU, KNAU). Based on the results of the research work, the candidate's thesis was defended. Fedorova S.V. (2008), 19 research articles and 1 methodological recommendation were published.
- 2002–2011 The staff of the department, together with other research, are working towards studying the problems of tuberculosis in special cases, in combination with other diseases, in particular diabetes. Based on the results of the research, a candidate's thesis was defended. Turdumambetova G.K. (2011) 16 articles published in near and far abroad, 1 methodological recommendation
- Since 2012, employees of the department have been working in the scientific direction of tuberculosis combined with HIV infection, manifestations of extrapulmonary localization of tuberculosis, latent tuberculosis infection and problems of migrants of the Kyrgyz Republic.
- In 2016, the department organized a research group: “STOP-TB”. Educational and informational events on tuberculosis, its prevention, and addressing issues of stigma and discrimination are conducted with students of the scientific circle.
- 2015–2019 The staff of the Department of Phthisiology, individually and in co-authorship, published 21 articles in journals of the Kyrgyz Republic, far and near abroad, in the group of developers of the “Clinical Protocol for Childhood TB”, “Management of MDR TB”, acted as reviewers of the clinical guidelines and protocol for the treatment of TB with preserved drug sensitivity and for the treatment of resistant tuberculosis.
- 2019 to the present, the department has been working in the direction of studying latent tuberculosis, based on the results of which it is planned to defend a candidate’s thesis on the topic “Diagnostics and prevention of latent tuberculosis infection in the Kyrgyz Republic.”
- Work is underway to implement Kyrgyz Republic protocols on new drugs for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis, and work with private medical centers on the timely detection and diagnosis of tuberculosis at the primary health care level.
- Since 2020, together with other specialists from all levels of healthcare, the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic has been conducting scientific research in the field of coronavirus infection, the combination of coronavirus infection with tuberculosis.
National Center of Phthisiology of the Ministry of Healthcare.
Address: 90a, Akhunbaev street, Bishkek
- Department of pulmonary therapy № 2
- The separation of MDR-TB
- Children's department
- Pulmonary surgery Department
Preparation and training of students in the discipline “Phthisiology” and elective courses (elective courses) for 5 courses of the faculties “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, 4 courses of the faculties “Medical and Preventive Affairs”, “Dentistry”.
Also, the above-mentioned discipline and elective courses, but in English, are taught by the staff of the department to 4th year students of the Faculty of General Medicine with English as the language of instruction.
Used for training, developed by the department Educational and methodological complex of teaching aids/recommendations, visual aids, stands, presentations, educational videos.
Lectures and practical classes are conducted interactively using new data recommended by WHO, taking into account the requirements of modern National clinical protocols and guidelines adopted in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Students consolidate clinical skills at the Center for Clinical Skills of KSMA named after. I.K. Akhunbaev and in the departments of the National Center for Phthisiology under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, the city clinical anti-tuberculosis hospital, the Republican Anti-TB Hospital in Kara-Balta (agreements have been concluded with these anti-tuberculosis institutions with the KSMA).
The “STOP TB” group operates at the department.