On January 9, 2020, vice-rector of the I.K. Akhunbayev on the state language and educational work, Professor Keneshbek Yrysov presented professor of Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan) Duyshonkul Shamatov with a "letter of thanks" on behalf of the university administration. He was awarded this honor for supporting the work of the scientific and theoretical conference "Epos" Manas "- bardyk ilimderdin bulagy" ("Epos" Manas "- the source of all sciences), organized at the KSMA.
The guest from Kazakhstan was also presented with the book "Manas" according to Sagymbay Orozbakov's version. Duishonkul Alievich, a well-known scientist in the field of linguistics, a native of our republic, has been living and working in the city of Nur-Sultan for many years and is actively engaged in the study and development of the Kyrgyz language.