Testing and development of clinical skills сenter
Niyazbekov Kubat Ibraimovich
Niyazbekov Kubat Ibraimovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
Assoсiate Professor
Staff of the center
Mukhanbetov Ulan Mukhtarovich
Mukhanbetov Ulan Mukhtarovich
Deputy Director of Health Care
Kydyralieva Gulnur Zholdoshbekovna
Kydyralieva Gulnur Zholdoshbekovna
Deputy Director
Turdunalieva Raikul Sultangazievna
Turdunalieva Raikul Sultangazievna
Specialist in dummies and phantoms
Syuyndukov Ulukbek Syrgakovich
Syuyndukov Ulukbek Syrgakovich
Moulage specialist
Rashidbek kyzy Gulnur
Rashidbek kyzy Gulnur
Health specialist
Kazieva Bermet Kazievna
Kazieva Bermet Kazievna
Caretaker of building
General information
On December 13, 2013, the opening of the Center for Clinical Skills and Knowledge Assessment of KSMA named after. I. K. Akhunbaeva. This Center was created through the joint efforts of the KSMA team with financial and technical support from the Swiss Embassy in Kyrgyzstan. In order to optimize and improve the educational process at the diploma and postgraduate level of study, by order No. 231 of November 28, 2016, the “Center for the Development of OSCE Clinical Skills and Industrial Practice” (CRKN OSCE and PP) was formed, combining the training center for clinical skills and the center development of clinical skills and knowledge assessment. The Center also included the industrial practice sector.

From 2023 - Center for testing and development of clinical skills. At different times the center was headed by: Doctor of Medical Sciences. Iskakov M.B. (2013-2018), Ph.D., Associate Professor. Mergenov A.E. (2018-2020). Currently, the director of the center is Ph.D., Associate Professor. Niyazbekov K.I.

In 2024, a new building of the Center was built and put into operation, which meets all modern international standards for educational medical centers. The new building of the center is a modern five-story educational building that houses 2 rooms for computer testing (450 seats), a dummy center, a virtual clinic and 22 rooms for conducting OSСE.             The Center for Testing and Development of Clinical Skills is equipped with more than 150 types of dummy equipment, which makes it possible to practice various medical procedures for students, clinical residents and interns of the KSMA named after. I.K. Akhunbaeva. In the 2023-2024 academic year, modern dummy equipment with the highest level of realism was purchased. 

At the Center, students, clinical residents and interns are trained in clinical skills on simulators and models, Olympiads in various specialties are held, and student teams are trained to participate in international Olympiads. There are also assessments of student knowledge (computer testing and OSCE), entrance, transfer and final exams for clinical residents, and entrance exams for graduate students.

Center capabilities:The ability to simulate clinical situations that are as close as possible to real ones, but safe for patients (using dummies and simulators);A professional action can be repeated many times to develop skills and eliminate errors (on dummies and simulators);Conditions are created for developing and maintaining the skills of professional action in emergency situations necessary for every doctor (for example, cardiopulmonary resuscitation).The student's knowledge is assessed (computer testing and OSCE)Goals of the center:Providing comprehensive assistance to students in mastering practical skills and improving the quality of education;Optimization of the practical orientation of medical education;Development and improvement of clinical skills of students and clinical residents;Formation of clinical thinking among students and clinical residents. Objectives of the center:Formation of practical professional skills among students and clinical residents on models and simulators in accordance with the approved plans and programs of specialties of higher professional education, implemented by the academy. Assessment of knowledge of students, clinical residents using OSCE and computer testing. Organization, methodological support of production practice, control over the conduct of production practice at bases, monitoring of production practice. 

Working moments
Training seminar for medical instructors SEPS (State Execution and Punishment Service)

Certification of post graduate students

Student training