Pursuant to Order № 106-p of the State Property Management Fund under the PKR dated April 24, 2018 "On the transfer of buildings and structures with adjacent land plots" and Order No. 455 of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic dated June 27, 2018 "On the transfer of buildings and structures of the clinical base of the National Center of Phthisiology in the village of Tash-Dobo Alamudunsky buildings and structures with adjacent land plots with a total area of S=6.56 hectares were transferred to the balance of the I.K.Akhunbayev KSMU on a commission basis.
On the basis of Order № 220 dated August 02, 2018, the Tash-Dobo student campus was established, which is located at the address: Chui region, Alamudunsky district, Tash-Dobo village, Shkolnaya str. 20.
The main activity of the student campus is the creation of appropriate conditions for the residence and study of international students.
By the decision of the Members of the Academic Council dated 08.09.18, (Protocol No. 1) the student campus "Tash-Dobo" was named after Professor Akylbekov Iskender Kadyrbekovich.
The student campus has three dormitories with 700 (Seven hundred) beds, classrooms and lecture halls, gyms, reading and computer classes, a library and a laundry room. There are conditions for connecting and accessing the Internet in the dormitory and in the academic building.
There is also a cricket ground, a workout and a sports ground on campus. The operational management of the student campus is entrusted to the director and the commandants of the dormitories.
Today, the staff of the student campus consists of 39 employees.
Osmonova Zhyldyz Oskonbayevna is the commandant of the 1st dormitory and academic building.
Phone: (0312) 42-10-66
Dormitory № 1 is designed to accommodate 167 students, there are 1, 2, 3 and 4-bed rooms. There are sinks, shower rooms and toilets on each floor. The hostel has facilities for connecting and accessing the Internet. In the second half of the building there are classrooms equipped with all modern technologies for conducting classes.
Dmitrieva Lyudmila Ivanovna is the commandant of 2-3 dormitories.
Phone: (0312) 42-09-30
There are 290 beds in the dormitory № 2 for students, there are 1, 2, 3 and 4 6-bed rooms. There are sinks, shower rooms, toilets and reading rooms on each floor. The hostel has facilities for connecting and accessing the Internet.
There are 243 places for students in dormitory № 3, there are 1, 2, 3 and 4, 6-bed rooms. On each floor there are sinks, shower rooms, toilets, reading rooms and isolation rooms for patients. Physical education classes are held in the basement. The hostel has facilities for connecting and accessing the Internet.